Prioritizing fence work across the Absaroka Front

Mapping and modifying fences are key goals of many conservation groups and landowners in the Cody area. Jerod Merkle and his team recently began applying their technical expertise in application development and GIS mapping to support fence work in the region. The team is helping in two ways. First, they are working on a fence prioritization tool, which will help prioritize which fences should be the focus of modification efforts. Second, they are helping develop an application to help streamline the mapping of fences in the Cody area. In addition to their work on fences, Jerod’s team is also working to help guide land use planning that minimizes impacts on big game by studying thresholds of development that influence the behavior of big game species during migration and while on winter range.


Reducing wildlife-vehicle collisions along WY Highway 120


Supporting the Wyoming-USDA Big Game Pilot Program